quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011


1- O texto abaixo está sem a fala de Guga. Insira essas falas numerando-as:

I study hard

Oscar: Oh, no! A bad grade again. Can I see your test?
Oscar: Wow! What’s your secret?
Oscar: Do you study every day?
Oscar: I don’t study every day. I play with my neighbors.
Oscar: Do you read at home?
Oscar: that’s a good idea. I can go to the library once or twice a week.

(     ) No, I don’t. I read in the school library. There are many books and magazines there.
(     ) Yes, I do. I do my homework, I write compositions and I read books.
(     ) Sure. Here.
(     ) I play with my friends too, but I do my homework first.
(     ) I study hard.

2- Escolha cinco frases, copie-as e passe-as para inglês:

3- Traduza as frases:
a-   Do you play with your friends every day?
      No I don’t. I play with my friend once a week.

b- Do you help your mother every day?
      No, I don’t. I help my mother four times a week.

c-   Do you write compositions every day?
      Yes, I do.

d-     Do you have dinner with your family every day?
      Yes, I do.

e-   Do you watch TV every day?
      No, I don’t. I watch TV on weekends.

4- Organize a tradução do seguinte texto, numerando-o de 1 a 14:
1.      Marta and Carlos are talking in the library. What are they talking about?
2.      MARTA: Hey, Carlos, wake up!
3.      CARLOS: Uh?... Oh. I’m tired.
4.      MARTA: Really? Why are you tired?
5.      CARLOS: Because I get up very early every day.
6.      MARTA: What time do you get up?
7.      CARLOS: At 6 o’clock.
8.      MARTA: At 6 o’clock? Why?
9.      CARLOS: Because I live far from school. What time do you get up?
10.  MARTA: I get up at 7:00.
11.  CARLOS: What time do you arrive at school?
12.  MARTA: At 7:30
13.  CARLOS: you’re fast!
14.  MARTA: No, I’m not. I live near here.

(     ) Às sete e meia.
(     ) Verdade? Por está cansado?
(     ) Marta e Carlos estão conversando na biblioteca. Sobre o que conversam?
(     ) Porque eu me levanto muito cedo todo dia.
(     ) Às seis horas.
(     ) Às seis horas? Por quê?
(     ) Porque eu moro longe da escola. A que horas você se levanta?
(     ) A que horas você se levanta?
(     ) A que horas você chega na escola?
(     ) Você é rápida!
(     ) Eu levanto às seis sete horas.
(     ) Ah?... Oh, estou cansado.
(     ) Não, eu não sou rápida. Eu moro perto daqui.
(     ) Ei, Carlos, acorda!

5- Traduza as seguintes expressões relacionadas ao tempo:
a- at 6 o’clock.
b- before 6 o’clock
c- after 6 o’clock
d- at about 6
e- from 6 to 7

6- Agora, traduza as frases:
a- I get up at 6 o’clock.
b- I have breakfast at about 6:20.
c- I arrive at scholl before 7:30.
d- I have class from 8:00 to midday.
e- I arrive at home at about 1 o’clock.
f- I have lunch after 1 o’clock.
g- I do my homework from 2:00 to 4:00.
h- I take a shower before dinner.
i- I have dinner at about 7 o’clock.
j- I go to bed 10 o’clock.